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  • Writer's pictureAnny Slegten

... and the waitress got a good tip!

I was out having lunch at Sawaddee Thai Restaurant in Sherwood Park. The food is wonderful. The service is excellent and I recommend visiting next time you feel like an authentic Thai meal.

As a colleague and I were enjoying a tasty lunch, beside us there was a birthday party for a grandmother, celebrating with her children and gradchildren. They had a tempting looking birthday cake. As is the custom, thepartygoershad placed many candles on the cake with 2 numbers in the middle: 39.

It was a playful way to show that although she was 93 in physical age, mentally she was energetic, youthful and vibrant. Everyone enjoyed the number reversal and there was much laughter.

I turned 81 a few weeks later, and here I was out having lunch with the same colleague for Sushi at another wonderful restaurant, Teppan Taro, again in Sherwood Park. The coffee was excellent and I observed the waitress keeping coming back to fill up my colleague’s cup of coffee to the point I was afraid he would turn into a coffee pot…

We were all in good spirits as I said to my colleague “You winked at the waitress!”

“Did I?” was his answer, looking very surprised.

“Yes, you did!”

He then proceeded to explain that it was a subconscious habit when very happy.

“Ah,” was my response, “How come then you never winked at me?”

When the waitress came back to our table to re-fill his coffee cup, my colleague looked at me winking furiously and then with eyes wide open to not wink,looking at the waitress asked:

“Did I wink at you?”

“Did you?” said the waitress.

I replied “Yes, he did!”

The waitress then said “I did not notice” and walking away said, “I am used to it!”

At the end of the enjoyable and excellent Japanese meal, and ordering some dessert, I was thinking of those candles on that birthday cake, and with a big smile, in playful fashion, I informed our good-natured waitress: “Today is my 18th birthday!”

Without missing a beat she winked at me and said: “You don’t look a day over 16!”

She really made my day and got a very good tip!




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