"More about Anny"
A Reiki Master, Anny teaches the four levels of the “Usui Method of Natural Healing”. This is known by the name of “Usui Reiki” as it presently is taught in Japan. It is also called “Traditional Japanese Reiki” as well as “Reiki” as practiced in North America.
Anny was formally introduced to Life Force Energy training in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, in 1976, and was initiated into Reiki in Alberta in March 1992.

As Director of The Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta and The Reiki Training Centre of Canada, Anny has developed and structured the training and curriculum to the highest standards for both The Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta and the Reiki Training Centre of Canada.
Always searching for news ways to improve people’s life, Anny structured several unconventional methods of using hypnosis and hypnotherapy, one of them Virtual or Surrogate sessions.
Entering the Universal Energy field, Anny contacts the subject of the inquiry. At first it was intended to connect with babies in the womb or people in a coma. It developed into a variety of subject from land, buildings, objects, fauna and flora, unborn fetus and people dead or alive.
Although some controversial information could be published in the book, such as viewing a murder Anny could describe in detail later confirmed, Anny decided to publish more tamed stories.
You will find transcripts of recorded or filmed sessions in Anny’s book Stories from the Other Side, Second Edition where she also reports how curses manifest thought forms.
Observing what is unfolding in life, Anny decided to publish a second book of recorded or filmed virtual sessions on what happens once the body releases the soul.
At present time, Anny has many books screaming in her head, wanting to be published. Her memoirs; How we manifest what we experience in life; What causes unpleasant relationships (as Anny is noting what she wants to convey, the small book she was thinking of will most likely develop into a book in three volumes!) and My Teens in World War II by Maurice Slegten as told many times in French and written in English by Anny Slegten.
To Anny the results can be humbling: Contacting a baby in the womb who wanted to abort itself, restoring the eyesight of a young girl going blind, or saving a marriage. In this case, the husband explained the fee for the virtual session was much cheaper than a divorce!
Also, according to Anny, her biggest accomplishment is to stay married to the same man for 63 years. Yep, this deserves a medal.
A Reiki Master, Anny teaches the four levels of the “Usui Method of Natural Healing”. This is known by the name of “Usui Reiki” as it presently is taught in Japan. It is also called “Traditional Japanese Reiki” as well as “Reiki” as practiced in North America.
Anny was formally introduced to Life Force Energy training in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, in 1976, and was initiated into Reiki in Alberta in March 1992.
Anny is grateful to all the Reiki Masters who helped her in her search for the source of the Usui System of Natural Healing known to us as Reiki.
Anny was initiated as a Reiki Master/Teacher in 1995. In 1996 she was initiated as a Tibetan Reiki Master/Teacher and took her Karuna™ Reiki Master/Teacher Training in February 1997.
In September 1999 Anny attended the Japanese Reiki Techniques Training named “The Most Important Methods for Reiki” with Frank Arjava Petter – a Reiki Master/Teacher from Japan who is the author of many excellent books on Reiki.
In May 2006 Anny completed Komyo Reiki Shinpiden by Reverend Hyakuten Inamoto, who is an accredited Shihan/Teacher of the Koato Reiki Kai (Kyoto Center), Japan.
Anny’s Belgian parents were from the Flemish part of Belgium and were speaking Flemish (Dutch) at home. Living in Congo, everything was in French.
Although she never spoke Flemish (Dutch), Anny speaks English with a guttural Dutch/German accent. Living in the English speaking part of Canada for decades, Anny now speaks French with an English accent!
As Director of The Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta and The Reiki Training Centre of Canada, Anny has developed and structured the training and curriculum to the highest standards for both The Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta and the Reiki Training Centre of Canada. She offers training to students that come from all over Canada and around the world.
Reiki Master/Teacher
Master Remote Viewer
Master Hypnotist
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Hypno-Baby Birthing Facilitator and Instructor
HypnoBirthing Fertility Therapist for Men & Women

Anny is a world renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist
Anny has been a Hypnologist in full time practice since 1984, as well as an Hypno-Energy worker since 2008.