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The Writings of Anny Slegten

The following books are currently available for purchase
in paperback or on Kindle, and sold on Amazon.

Poppy Field
The Sacred Vow Final Cover Oct 2023.jpg

The Sacred Vow:
A Love Story

This is a story of two lovers who began their journey near the end of World War I in Flanders Fields where the bright red poppies grow…


Only death can keep them apart...


Time passes, and despite the trials and tribulations of war…


The lovers meet and reunite in this life, in a country far, far away…


Join Anny and Maurice in a love story for the ages.

Conversations With Those Who Passed Away
- Second Edition

So, we are here. What happens once we die? Is there an afterlife? Is there eternity? Where is it? How is it? Do we really live forever? Somehow, deep down, we know there is more and wonder what will happen to us after leaving this world.


Stories from the Other Side is based on Anny’s numerous encounters with the dead that have occurred during hypnotherapy sessions. Based on the information Anny has collected from these spirits, she decided to shed light on what happens after we die. By making them talk about themselves, Anny learned the experience is not about lights, heaven, hell, and the like. Transcripts of conversations with spirits do reveal what happens next.


Join Anny as she shares fascinating real life stories from the ones who passed to the next plane.

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The Four Mental Agreements to Losing Weight

Losing Weight, Staying Slim, Being Healthy… observing how people torture themselves to be at their ideal weight and looks. Anny has decided to share a simple and effective way to be slim and stay slim using only your mind. Your mind thinks… and thinking is a mental function – a place of creation.


It is not what you eat that makes you fat. It is what makes you eat that makes you fat – the mental blocks you are entertaining by focusing on your weight and how you look.


Reiki Pure and Simple
Volume 1: The Sacred Rites

The Sacred Rites of Usui Reiki. This is a work book about Reiki, Energy Work, and more… Welcome to Reiki with Anny… where you learn and increase your knowledge about Reiki and Energy Work. This book Volume I is your class companion. As you master Reiki – by writing down your thoughts as the days unfold – you are creating your personal Reiki assistant! Doing so helps you understand the simplicity as well as the beneficial uses of energy.


To my observation – due to it’s simplicity – Usui Reiki is the most organized and best way to learn how to use and direct energy. When taught correctly, the fundamentals of Reiki and Energy work can be learned in one powerful weekend. To learn more about Reiki with Anny, visitThe Reiki Training Center of Canada


Reiki Pure and Simple
Volume 2: Reiki Ryoho Hikkei
(The Most Important Methods for Reiki)

The Most Important Methods of Reiki – Volume II This is a work book about Reiki, Energy Work, and more… Welcome to Reiki with Anny… where you learn and increase your knowledge about Reiki and Energy Work. In 1999, Anny attended a workshop in Detroit, Michigan, United States – given by Frank Arjava Petter accompanied by Chetna Kobayashi. Frank is the author of Reiki Fire and Reiki, The Legacy of Dr. Usui. The training was open to anyone having taken Reiki, Level II – regardless of spiritual lineage.


Anny reflected on this training and realized energy workers may apply many of the techniques to their practice.


Reiki Pure and Simple
Volume 4: The Teacher Manual

This is a work book about sharing Reiki, Energy Work, and more.


Here you are – you have had the pleasure of learning Usui Reiki and understanding how the Universal Energy works in a way applicable to your life right now.


This is the profound inner experience Mikao Usui shared with us – and you have decided to share this expression with others by becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher.

Through your journey to becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher, the richest joy comes from understanding the process at a deeper level – and by helping others experience the benefits of Reiki.


It is said: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step!”

Becoming the Reiki Master/Teacher is the next beautiful step.


​To learn more about Reiki with Anny, visit The Reiki Training Center of Canada


Hypnotism, An Introduction

HYP 101: The Basic

This is a course companion for learning the basics of hypnosis and so much more. As you discover hypnosis – by writing down your thoughts as the days unfold – you are learning the subtle art of creating your own self-hypnosis scripts and motivational affirmations. You will be amazed at the simplicity of the skills you learn and how beneficial hypnosis really is!


When taught correctly, the fundamentals of hypnosis can be learned in one powerful weekend. You will have the pleasure of learning to do this correctly, right from the start, and you will greatly speed up your ability to help yourself and others (as you progress in your hypnosis training).


To learn more about hypnosis with Anny, visit the Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta.

Tropical Leaves

Part 1, Training in Hypnosis
HYP 201: Professional Hypnotism

Seeing the Buddha facing the front of my office, surrounded by bright yellows Marigolds, someone asked me if I was a Buddhist.


"No, I am not a Buddhist" was my answer.


"Well," said the visitor who came at the door to sell me recently taken aerial pictures of the property, "how come then do you have a Buddha there?"


I chose to put this friendly and smiling Buddha there to convey my welcome to friends, clients and students. The peace of Buddha is the perfect welcome onto the fascinating and rewarding world of hypnosis.


As you are holding this book in your hands, I welcome you to the next step in your hypnosis journey!


Part 1, Training in Hypnosis

HYP 202: Hypnotherapy
Principle & Practice

The picture of my recliner on the book cover is a dedication to all my clients - young and old - who sat in this well used healing space.


One afternoon, a man, in his mid-twenties had a hypnotherapy session regarding his relationship with his father. At the end of his highly emotional and delightful hypnotherapy session he got up and looked at me. Pointing at my recliner he declared “This is a magic chair!”


And since then, the picture of my recliner became my trademark.


With fond memories, I had to put my recliner in retirement, worn out after thirty-one year of constant use. When put in the reclining position I had to hold onto the chair to prevent it to flipping back on the floor.


The replacement arrived, and with great relief, I observed the magic side of the hypnotherapy sessions have been imparted to this comfortable new recliner.


With the aid of the magic recliner, private and surrogate sessions allow me to be current in my teaching and writings.


My wish is for you to have the privilege to facilitate the transformation of a soul. By taking these hypnosis and hypnotherapy courses, I hope you share in “the magic chair”.



Above the Clouds
Wooden Hut

Part 2, Training in Regression Therapy

HYP 203: Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy

Using hypnosis as a technique, you are now entering the second phase of training - Regression Hypnotherapy. 


During one-on-one sessions, clients often connect with their inner child. This is the reason I chose a picture of the swing in my yard - it is a perfect image to help you understand what clients experience.


The mind is deductive and goes from effect back to cause. The cause can be anything between a recent situation all the way to a past life.


As you enjoy the training, you will discover that everything has a beginning, and, if your client so desires… everything can be fixed when they go from effect back to cause.


When looking at yourself - you may realize this goes for you too!




Part 2, Training in Regression Therapy

Hypnosis 204: Healing with Hypnotherapy

Did you notice the little 7 ½ cm (3 inches) clay pot, gracing the cover of this book?


What does that have to do with regression therapy and past lives?


Well, this little clay pot was returned to me in 1992. When I saw it, I recognized it, knew it was mine, and what I was using it for.


I instantly burst into tears as I found myself in a past life. I was back there, reliving that time of so long ago.


Wonder what is the story behind the little clay pot?


I will tell you in class…



Shadow on Concrete Wall

Clinical Hypnotherapist Certification Program

HYP 601: Hypnotherapy & the Paranormal

The Amidah Buddha is venerated in Buddhist culture. 


It represents unconditional love of self. Yes, you read it right: Unconditional love of self. 

Although named differently in different countries and languages, you will have the same Buddha when asking for the Buddha representing unconditional love. 


Deciding to take a new Reiki course, I went into a trance during the Reiki attunement. As I went into this deep trance - I asked Subby to let me know what was so important to have unconditional love of self.


The answer came to me crystal clear – and I was in shock! Unconditional love of self is a tall order, and has nothing to do with religion, or lack of it. Unconditional love is pertaining to the Paranormal.


This is the reason the Amidah Buddha was chosen for the cover of the book you hold in your hand right now: Hypnotherapy and the Paranormal.

In class, I will explain this to you in much greater detail.


With Love and Light,




Clinical Hypnotherapist Certification Program

Hypnosis 602: Physiological Stress Release

From the house veranda, I enjoy watching birds frolicking in the bird bath, ruffling their feathers, and picking out whatever they feel should not be hiding there.


They then get out of the water, stand at the hedge of the bird bath, give themselves a good shake and happily fly off to resume the duty of the day.


Just like us, allowing our soul, our diamond as I call it, to feel cleaner and shine in its full beauty each time we resolve an issue weighting on our conscious, bringing with it a much-needed peace of mind.


As you know by now, our soul chose a physical life to speed up evolving our soul, having resolved what weighs heavily in our conscious. 


By being true to ourselves, resolving issues now, we are hopefully preparing ourselves for a better life after this physical one.


With Love and Light,





A poem found in Henry Ford's desk, penned in his wife's handwriting, went like this:


Bite off more than you can chew and chew it.

Dare to take on more than can do and do it.

Hitch your wagon to the stars,

Keep your seat,

And there you are!


Well, it is what kept me going when I put all the Hypnosis class material in book form, now available on Amazon.


Considering my computer skills, I took on more than I could chew – that is for sure! Without the incredible help I got from four people, I am sure I would not even look at such a mammoth project.


It all started with BOOMER who, while in training, one day showed up in class with the incredible, beautiful Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta, Canada Coat of Arms. With enthusiasm, he then proceeded to put all the HYP 101 Hypnotism, an Introduction class material in book form.


COLIN then made it compatible to be printed by Amazon.


MARIETTA, who was at the time basking in the sun on a beach somewhere during a bitter winter here in Alberta, Canada, designed the HYP 101 book cover on her very smart Laptop. Thankfully, she had taken it along, for a “just in case.” Following this, she designed the Kimberlite Publishing House logo.


After publishing HYP 101 on Amazon, it took Colin three years to persuade me to do the same with each of the next class materials for the rest of the courses.


Because of the way the course material could now be presented in class, the quality of the in class discussions was incredible!


As usual, I needed to see the end result in my mind.


And then, various events happened – including the Covid-19 virus. It was the right time to give the school a rejuvenated two shots, just like me getting vaccinated with two jabs in the arm for total protection.


My Webmaster PAT went along and rejuvenated my websites, as well as being excellent at ‘cleaning’ pictures – these pictures became a highlight of the front covers of the six Class Companions.


Colin, having already published six books on Amazon, was doing the book layouts, as well as having suggested what to put on the front and the back of the book covers.


Having gone to her office to choose the colours, Marietta created and designed the templates as well as the striking book covers to project what I wanted to convey.


Colin had an incredible patience with me – coming to the office, correcting my work as I was watching him. I watched to learn to outsmart that electronic machine who, in my view, is as temperamental as women.


A soon as you figure out how to handle the computer, an UPDATE appears – and you have to figure it all out again! Right?


Typing this class material often got me in a pleasant hypnotic trance, and as I am reading what I typed, the spellcheck was in a hypnotic trance too!


In addition to have come to the office from 8 am to 11 pm well over 20 times, I was also calling Colin on the telephone many times, asking how to get out of a situation that, according to the computer, I got myself into.


It got taxing for him, and Colin gave me a hypnosis session as a HYP 202 class demonstration – fixing my computer “thing.”


And it worked well – much to his surprise and delight. Result: The six HTI Class Companions published on Amazon in seven months.


Yes, this was really teamwork.  As the present saying goes: “We are all in this together” … whether we like it or not.


From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every one of them to have helped me.


Anny Slegten


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Boomer Stralak


Boomer has an amazing creative mind, and is a master of so many trades. He is immeasurably kind and genuine, and has an absolutely incredible sense of humor. 

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Colin Christopher


Colin is a keynote speaker, presents clean and funny corporate stage hypnosis comedy shows. He also teaches online marketing and sales courses, as well as stage hypnosis in person.


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Pat Perka


Pat is a creative and very efficient Graphic Designer and Web Developer, and Multimedia Project Manager. Being semi-retired, he is also an avid golfer and adventure traveler.


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Marietta Miller


Marietta is an expert on Logo & Brand Development, Print & Marketing materials, Advertising and Direct Mail Campaigns.


Creative Team

This is the 1977 Willis Jeep I am writing about in my book "And Then I Got a Blue Carpet - How to Get Things Fast".


Her engine was purring with pleasure when taking her out for a ride on my 85th birthday. It was a beautiful day, no tarp needed.  There were no safety belts when we bought the Jeep brand new, only a "chicken bar" on the dashboard for the passenger to hold on to for safety.

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My next project is completing Reiki Pure and Simple - Volume IV: The Reiki Master/Teacher.

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Contact Anny

- Mail:  26 Cranford Way, Post Office Box 3294, Sherwood Park, AB   T8H 2T2   Canada
- Voicemail: 780.922.1138  or  Toll Free: 1.800.330.5999
- Fax: 780.922.1147
- Email:  (to prevent spam abuse, the following email address is not a live link)


© 2021 by Anny Slegten. Website proudly created by Next Phase Multimedia

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