Better to be Safe than Sorry
I was told over and over again "Anny, not you! You do not need to be vaccinated." My reply? "I know I do not need it. I want it!"
Better to be Safe than Sorry
A Story About the End of WW II: The 3 Messerschmitt Fighter Planes
The Spanish Flu in 1918
My Mother and I
Need more snow?
A Tale of Two Sons, Part 2
Daylight Savings Time
Let the Light in and Detox your Mind
My husband, a mouse and me.
Ménage à Trois
Whoops - A Tale of Two Sons
... and the waitress got a good tip!
Would You Believe It?
The Tooth Fairy
Wine Flies When You Are Having Fun
So Much More Than Just A Holiday
Ahhh, those delicious French Toast!
Canadian Hot Rod
Melodic or Melancholic?